Ive heard many thing about E....mostly bad things about it....but once u take it, you will be hook on it...its the greatest feeling ever..my first time taking it was in MONTREAL with friends....it was an M&M white pill...when it hits....u seem to dont care about things anymore...in my experience....i remembered my life from being a baby to wehere i am from now....it made me realize the things i've done wrong....that there is more than to life itself and to forget the pass and LOVE life to the fullest....it made me a new person.....do i regret taking it (YES).....i can say dat im hook on it...and i dont know when to stop....but there is a limit to it...and i think i can cotrol it....all i can say to new pill poppers out there is use the PILL carefully and be responsible taking it....so have FUN wit it....