Philter Review

Well, it's official! I've been going to raves exactly once a year for the last three years. Hard to believe I went almost every single weekend (and sometimes more) when I first started. But I'm glad I came out for this one.

It was a blast to see Lego as energized as ever. If you ask me, he should have been on the main stage. He always has more energy than all the other DJ's put together. The Cathedral room was also booming with HH and D&B sound. I caught Michael and Citrik before I headed home on the main stage and they were working the crowd to a healthy frenzy as usual.

I saw a few familiar faces and about a thousand new ones. I heard a few positive comments from some of the old timers that the scene is slowly getting out of the clubs and coming back to what it used to be. And I believe them. This party was no Golden or Tranceformation but it had a lot of good positive vibe. Who knows? If this trend continues I may just come out again before another year goes by;)


Yep, this was a super kickin' event! Mucho thanks to Citrik and his crew for throwing this. Usually, I'd be dancing my arse off and getting all sweaty and stuff, but it was cool just chillin and chattin to peeps. It's been a while since I'd seen the Icehouse that packed even. The courtyard was crazy! Tho my favorite dj at Philter was Sonique des Fleurs!!! Oh, the beer garden was a nice touch;)

Hey Ramy, I have a pic of you and me that I'll have to send to you like super soon. I swear, you were the Ultimate Raver from back in '97 to like 2002. Quite possibly, you've been to more events that me, hmmmm.... Naw, I don't think so (ha). Anyways, it was cool seeing you out once again!!!

Jay aka 'Substation'
Desert Trance Society

I can hardly wait for that pic:)

How long it has been. I've been checking out living art since 1999 and back then I barely knew anybody. Over the years, as I continue to meet new people, we end up realising through your pictures that they were at the same parties that I was. Now not only does it seem like I now know so many people from the past, I think I know everybody in your pictures now.

Anyways, Philter 2 was a good wake up call that throwing a large event at the icehouse is still possible and that the energy still lives somewhere. There were many new people there, and while some jaded people said things like "They don't know how to dance, etc", I went on about their significance: They are the next generation of ravers and the only way the scene can survive.

This was my first time playing at the icehouse, or a warehouse at all. It was scary, but I learned so much next time it'll be like music flowing from the sky.




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