Print this form and fill out the necessary information.
(Any information you provide to us is strictly confidential and will not be sold or revealed to any organization or commercial entity)
Enclose a check or money order (cash OK with exact amount) for $12.00 (for each video and S&H) made out to Living Art Productions and mail to:
Living Art Productions
PO Box 56787
Phoenix, AZ 85079
First Name:_______________________ Last Name:_____________________________________
Street:___________________________________________________________ Apt#:__________
City:_______________________________________________ State:_______ Zip:_____________
Phone:(_____)_________________________ Email:_____________________________________
Price: $10.00 + $2.00 S&H x Quantity:_________ = Total: $___________
Please allow 2 weeks for all deliveries. If you have any questions please call (602) 265-4969 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm MST.
Thank you for your business and support.
Living Art Productions